Monday, December 21, 2009

Ive been using this cream on my face to treat fungus, and where i apply it,the skin is lighter(the tone color)

ive been using it 3-4 times a day for a month, will it go away?Ive been using this cream on my face to treat fungus, and where i apply it,the skin is lighter(the tone color)
The same thing happened to me too and now i have vitaligo (no pigment in certain areas of the skin on my face, hands, arms.) I hope that this has not happened to you too! Sorry! Mine has been around for over a year and will probably not go away without laser treatment. See a dermatologist to be evaluated to find out for sure what your issue is. Good luck!Ive been using this cream on my face to treat fungus, and where i apply it,the skin is lighter(the tone color)
Are you saying that the cream is making your skin lighter where you apply it or that you are applying the cream on the lighter areas of your skin which would be the fungus. Lighter areas on the skin caused by fungus do not tan in the sun, that is why the areas are lighter. You have probably killed the fungus by now and your skin will begin to even out after you stop using the cream.
some creams for the face have small amounts for bleach in them. (proactive) i would stop the treatment, and ask your doctor. i got this medicen to treat fungus/yeast infection, and i have to use it on my lip because my lip started to crack on one side because i had a yeast infection, i thought it was a cold sore, cause it looked like one, but anyways i dont no the awnser to your question but that sounds bad, you must be like freckin out, srry bout that.

Lots of Love,Sara
ask your dermataligest
Probably. Either you're noticing this because it's no tbeing fully absorbed and therefore making your skin appear lighter in tone or, the cream contains peroxide (good at disinfecting things like fungi and bacteria) which is bleaching your skin. Once you stop using it, your skin should go back to normal.

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