Saturday, December 12, 2009

What is that cream that visibly even out your skin tone so that the person doesn't have to wear makeup?

I caught a glimpse of a show that was talkin about beauty products and they mentioned this product. It starts with an ';A';. Its not Avon by the way. If you have used it, can you tell me if it works? Thanks.What is that cream that visibly even out your skin tone so that the person doesn't have to wear makeup?
I'm not sure about a skin cream that starts with an A (with the exception of AlphaHydroxy) but I just started using DHC moisturizers. They're from Japan and they send out free samples in their catalog. The moisturizers are kind of pricey but I don't have to wear foundation anymroe because my skin looks great! I'm also very fair skinned and scar, splotch, and peel easily so this is a major improvement for me.What is that cream that visibly even out your skin tone so that the person doesn't have to wear makeup?
it think your talking about VISIBLY EVEN, but i was watching this thing on t.v. too and they said it works very good and that its all natural, no hazarous chemicals, and it was called LUMITONE!!!

ive never tried it before, but if its natural then it works!! but maybe thus isnt what your looking for because they dont start with an ';A';.
I've never seen anything starting with an A, but Mary Kay came out with an Even Complexion Essence this summer. I've seen miracles happen with that. But you still want to wear a light foundation or at least a powder because it helps protect your skin from pollution and other environmental hazards.
Your best bet is to find a really good light moisturizer that works well with your skin, then add a few drops of foundation to it. Looks really natural, keeps your skin moisturized and evens out your skin tone. Without some color to the product, there is little chance you'll look any different after you put it on.
I tan like crazy thanks to my backround but a whole bunch of my friends use Jergens natural glow. don't begin wit an a but hey it's good stuff
Try mineral makeup. It is light but covers spots. is a good brand.
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